Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello ScareFest Fans,
We wanted to Kick off our new year at ScareFest by letting everyone know that our tickets are now on sale! We have added more “Golden Tickets” for this year and also a new “Platinum Ticket” for two. Here is what the two of you will get with your Platinum Ticket:

· Three days & two nights at the Hyatt Regency Hotel (in the same building as the ScareFest Event)

· 3-day pass to ScareFest

· 1-hour early entry to ScareFest

· Access to the ScareFest VIP Party

· Free Official ScareFest T-Shirt

· Free ScareFest Backpack

· FREE Pass to the Haunted House Event · Front seating to Seminars, Workshops, Film reviews and Q&A Sessions

The staff and volunteers are so excited about ScareFest 2009. We are planning to make it bigger and better than last year by expanding our event. We have increased the conference size to host more stars and guest speakers, dealer booths, seminar rooms, and added a concession stand with tables and chairs for our guests to sit and rest while taking a break to chow down.

For added fun to your weekend at ScareFest, you may want to consider coming dressed in your favorite horror costume or as your favorite celebrity or character. We want you to have fun and get lots of photos taken of your creation while you are at ScareFest. While you are there you can also enter the costume contest to see if you go away as the winner of ScareFest 2009 Costume Contest.

At our very successful ScareFest 2008 we presented noted stars from movies like House of a 1,000 Corpses, with Bill Mosely, The Devil’s Rejects, with Sid Haig, Friday the 13th, with Kane Hodder, Dusk til Dawn, with Tom Savini and American Werewolf in London, with David Naughton, just to mention a few.

Our celebrities from the paranormal included Chip Coffey, Psychic/Medium, his own show A&E Psychic Kids & featured on Paranormal State, Shannon Sylvia, from the cast of SciFi Ghost Hunters International, Patti Starr, Certified Ghost Hunter featured in A&E Airlines, John Zaffis, Demonologist, featured in the Discovery Channel Haunted Series.

For The ScareFest 2009 we plan to have another amazing cast of horror stars and paranormal TV celebrities that will be announced in the near future. We will also be featuring lots of psychic readers, intuitive healers and aura photography as part of the paranormal event. We are attracting many different and unique dealers offering metaphysical tools, weird and unusual mystic merchandise, along with the strange and bizarre.

Here is a list of some of the activities for you to take part in at ScareFest:

Buy your favorite star’s autographed photo signed personally to you or have your pictures made with each of your favorite stars with your own camera

Go to VIP parties mixing with many of the stars

Attend seminars and workshops conducted by your favorite personality

At midnight, Friday and Saturday, view a horror movie at the Kentucky Theater

Be entertained at a local “Nightmare Haunted House” attraction Friday and Saturday

Attend film reviews of upcoming horror flicks

Spend hours shopping through a 24,000 sq. ft. area of approximately 140 dealers

Finding weird, strange, and unique horror and paranormal items

Get a psychic reading

Have a picture made of your Aura colors

Check out the many tools and crystals used for healing

Meet many of your favorite authors and buy their latest books

Speak with a demonologist of your choice

Rent a Luxurious discounted room at the Hyatt Regency Lexington in the same building just a few steps away from where The ScareFest is held. Please call soon 800-233-1234 to get the special room rate of $139.00 per night by asking for the ScareFest rate. Limited space available, first come first served.

The Scare Fest is owned by Ghost Chasers International, Inc. and was created by Jeff Waldridge, Patti and Chuck Starr. The Scare Fest will be held at the Lexington Convention Center in Lexington, Kentucky, one of the largest convention centers in the state with an abundance of parking on site.

We are accepting sponsors and ads for the program if you are interested in investing in a powerful marketing champaign.

If you choose to support this event you can go to and on the link page you can pick which banner and hyperlink that you may use on your website, MySpace, Facebook, or any other online communities you may be a part of. We are so grateful for your support and efforts to help us promote this colossal event in September 2009.

Thank you so much for your support and we will see you in September!! Patti Starr